Transforming aged care through streamlined Additional Service program implementation

A small, locally-based aged care provider in Sydney recognised the potential of enhancing their services through an Additional Service program. Seeking a clear and efficient roadmap, they partnered with Quality INSITE to conceptualise and implement this transformative initiative.


The client’s challenge lay in effectively designing and implementing an Additional Service program that would align with their local operations, cater to the needs of their residents, and provide a seamless integration process. They required a strategy that would enable them to swiftly move from concept to implementation without overwhelming their staff.


Quality INSITE collaborated closely with the client to craft an initial strategy paper for the Additional Service program. This document provided a comprehensive yet concise roadmap, detailing the steps required for successful implementation. By condensing the strategic approach into a well-defined plan, the client had a clear guide to move forward.


Quality INSITE’s collaboration with the local Sydney-based aged care provider resulted in a streamlined and successful Additional Service program implementation. By crafting a focused strategy paper, Quality INSITE equipped the provider with a clear roadmap that not only expedited the process but also ensured informed decision-making. This case study exemplifies how a strategic approach, guided by expertise and a concise plan, can drive transformative changes in aged care services while maintaining operational efficiency.


The focused initial strategy paper proved invaluable in expediting the implementation process. Armed with a clear plan, the client was able to swiftly transition from concept to action, making informed decisions every step of the way.
The plan served as a guiding document, ensuring that the implementation process did not encroach on their regular duties, allowing the team to maintain operational efficiency.
The comprehensive strategy paper provided the provider with an informed perspective on their Additional Service program. It empowered them to make informed decisions, ensuring that every aspect of the program aligned with their vision and resident needs.



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